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About Us

Guild Leadership:


GM: @KingGoooSe

Officers: @Mr.Pointy, @danigurl485, @Erulissea

Auction Donations: @Wafflekitten


We are, among other things, a trader’s guild. So each week we strive to be sure we have a guild trader in a nice location. However, our chances of winning the bids each week depends largely on all of you wonderful members. If we don’t get enough income from sales or from our auctions and raffles, we won’t be able to keep up with the bids for the guild trader. I ask you all to participate in the auctions/raffles in some way, either by donating items (like rare motifs or purple/gold crafting items) or buying items at auction price. You may also choose to deposit gold directly into the guild bank if you do not wish to participate in an event.

As of 8/5/2024 we no longer have weekly sale/donation minimums! :D

NOTE: Money making tips can also be found on the Auction page on this site. Scroll down to see the Google docs sheet, and select the “Gold Tips Guide” page to view.

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